Cannabinoids and Osteoarthritis

This week talk on Back into Alignment podcast was dedicated to Osteoarthritis and cannabinoids. For a very personal reason. Please keep reading if you are experiencing back pain and if you or anyone you know is experiencing osteoarthritis. At the end of the article I attached the video clip of my conversation with Cannabis consultant Al Morentin.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that affects joint cartilage and bones, causing pain and stiffness. It often affects the hip, knee, and thumb joints.

Did you know?

According to the Arthritis Society of Canada. Today 6 million Canadians have arthritis – that’s 1 in 5

  • About 20% of the population 15+ has arthritis, or 1 in 5.

  • As many as 25,000 Canadian children and adolescents seek healthcare for arthritis.

  • Women are more likely to have arthritis than men.

  • Nearly 60% of people with arthritis are women.

  • 1 in 4 Canadian women and 1 in 6 Canadian men have arthritis.

These statistics were alarming to me. I discovered this last month when I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in my cervical and lower back. Like my mom I was part of the women that suffer of this health condition before 40. I am 37 years old and I have been taking care of my nutrition choices very well for the last 12 years. I competed in 9 fitness shows over 6 years and I have been reducing inflammation through food choices as well as quitting drinking for the past 10 years. I thought I was doing great. But a month ago, I was in shock when I read my Xray results and the doctor explained it clearly. Since then I have been researching for alternatives therapies to relief my pain.

There is no cure – yet – and consequently people must face the challenges and devastating impact of arthritis for the rest of their lives once diagnosed. In my case I noticed how my physical activities are now difficult to complete, from training at the gym to dancing is now limited to two hours segment. After two hours my hip and lower back get in pain and I need to sit and rest. That is why I really want to find a treatment that can effectively support my lifestyle so I can do my best with regular activities and dance without pain.

I also keep myself meditating at the very beginning of my day around 5am. I tell my body how healthy and how is healing every day. I truly believe in the power of the mind since I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 15. Telling my mind how healthy I was it helped me to stay on track during the 10 years of chronic back pain and even now after 12 years of no pain. I remind myself of the captain of my actions, my mind. People with arthritis are more likely to experience anxiety, mood disorders, poor mental health, and difficulty sleeping, compared to those without arthritis.

Can CBD oil relieve arthritis pain?

Some studies suggest that cannabidiol (CBD) oil could play a role in relieving arthritis.

CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant. People report using this oil for relief from pain , anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders.

There is limited evidence from human studies to support the benefits of CBD oil, due to restrictions on the use of and research on cannabis. As cannabis is becoming legalized in North America, research is gaining momentum and shows some promising results.

CBD is one of more than 100 compounds found in cannabis, called cannabinoids.

Unlike other cannabinoids — such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — CBD does not produce a euphoric “high.” This is because CBD does not affect the same receptors as THC.

CBD oil comes in many different strengths, and people use it in various ways.

A 2016 in the European Journal of Pain used an animal model to see if CBD could help people with arthritis manage their pain. Researchers applied a topical gel containing CBD to rats with arthritis for 4 days.

Their researchers noted a significant drop in inflammation and signs of pain, without additional side effects.

People using CBD oil for arthritis may find relief from their pain, but more human studies need to be done to confirm these findings of reduction of inflammation.

During my podcast with Cannabis Consultant Al Morentin, we converse about case studies related to treating Osteoarthritis with cannabinoids.

Although findings so far have been encouraging, more research is necessary to confirm that CBD oil is an effective treatment for arthritis pain.

Arthritis is a leading cause of disability and work limitations in Canada. This is why I am bringing this content to you. Perhaps you can connect to a Cannabis consultant and find the blend that suits your body to alleviate this health condition.

The prevalence of arthritis is on the rise – by 2040, 50% more people will have arthritis. About 9 million of Canadians by 2040.

You are not alone in this journey.

Stay positive and share your comments in my channel. Thanks

Joa Rivas


2. Breaking the Cycle of Opioid Addiction by Blesching

3. Arthritis Society Canada

Joa Rivas