30 Day Hip Healing

30 Day Hip Healing


A 30 day experience curated by Health Educator and Wellness Coach Joa Rivas designed to stretch your hip area at home and from your office so you can free of pain.

You will learn about your body and detect areas that need attention. As a Yoga and Pilates teacher I bring movements that not only stretch but strengthen your hips.

You will have a private access to Joa Fitness app where you will receive daily notifications about daily practices to rebalance your body and dedicate time to your hip healing.

Using our breath as our tool you will practice:

-Test your hamstring flexibility , track your progression from day 1 to day 30

-Over 10 Yin yoga stretches to release your connective tissue and joints

-Breath work oriented to align your ribcage and hips

-Strengthen your hips with Pilates techniques I have personally practiced since 2005

-Incorporate stretches at your office or work place

-Optimize movement patterns

-Reduce aches and pains

-Improve your mobility

You will also have access to text message Joa directly in the fitness app through the 30 days journey.

I have osteoarthritis, 4 herniated discs, 1 slipped disc , scoliosis and spine bifida occulta and these stretches have helped me for over 20 years to reduce my back pain. It is all about patience and consistency.

There is no magical pill but posture awareness

Let’s stretch together!


